Jagan Mann uses all of the above three divisions of Indian Astrology to arrive at most accurate predictions. If you have your exact date, time and place of birth, then Parashar Astrology can give you a deep insight of your past, present and future. However, if you do not have your exact birth time details, then KP Horary, which is also a branch of Indian Astrology, can give you answers to your specific questions by predicting outcomes based on the position of “Nakshatras” (stars) at the time of asking a particular question.
Indian Astrology, known as “Parashari” named after its originator Sage Parashar, is an ancient system of astrology which is based on the concept of karma and the belief that the positions of celestial bodies at the time of a person’s birth can provide insight into their past, present, and future. KP Horary is a branch of Parashari, based on the advance research by Mr. Krishnamurthy (which was named as “Krishnamurthy Padhati (Method)” that focuses on answering specific questions or predicting outcomes based on the positions of the planets at a particular moment in time. In KP Horary, an astrologer analyzes the chart drawn up for the exact time the question is asked, rather than the individual’s birth chart. Bhrigu Nandi Nadi is a form of astrology given by ancient Sage Bhrigu and is practiced in South India. In Bhrigu Nandi Nadi, astrologers use the planetary positions at the time of a person’s birth to make predictions about their past, present, and future. The method involves analyzing the Nadi leaves that correspond to the individual’s birth chart, which contain specific information about the person’s life events and characteristics.